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Why can't the same menstrual period?

AddTime:2015-12-24 17:01:53  Views:

Women always a few days each month, if just met menstrual period is very disappointing when things honeymoon, travel, this time some people will continue regardless of whether the same room, but this behavior is a great harm to women, menstrual period is not suitable for sexual intercourse, so why can not the same room menstrual period it?

5 reasons not intercourse menstrual period

1, menstrual discomfort symptoms will increase

Women to menstruation, when endometrial bleeding, endometrial some parts may break off, blood vessels will be exposed at this time sexual intercourse, endometrium stimulation will lead to increased menstrual flow, there will be heavy fall female abdominal pain sense, in addition, better make a longer time period, menstrual discomfort symptoms will increase.

2, for women to bring gynecological inflammatory diseases

In the non-menstrual intercourse sexual life, women vagina acidic environment is relatively strong, the penis into the bacteria is not easy to breed, thus reducing the occurrence of gynecological inflammation. And during menstruation, menstrual blood discharge the acidic environment of the vagina will weaken immunity female vagina decline, coupled with blood rich in nutrients, the male penis into a large number of bacteria can quickly multiply, slightly open mouth of the uterus during menstruation state more accelerated bacterial invasion, violation of the uterine cavity to bring a variety of gynecological inflammatory diseases.

3, tubal blockage and lead to ectopic pregnancy

When intercourse during menstruation make women strong abdominal tubal occupation a lot of bacteria, after these pathogens into the fallopian tube, it will multiply in the fallopian tubes, causing salpingitis, tubal purulent cause swelling, necrosis, scarring adhesions, this time blocked fallopian tubes, the egg and sperm can not meet binding, lead to female infertility. In another case, that women have not been completely blocked fallopian tubes, but the egg and sperm fertilized the female form can not enter the uterine cavity, can only grow in situ in the fallopian tube, this time appeared ectopic pregnancy.

4, produce antibodies, leading to immune infertility

Usually the same room, the husband's sperm is not in contact with his wife in the blood cells of the immune function, and intercourse during menstruation sperm and blood cells to meet some people's immune cells produce sperm antibodies at this time. Such antibodies may be present with the female cervical mucus and serum, when the sperm come again, it will stimulate the body's immune response refined exclusion, thus affecting sperm and egg. Meanwhile anti-sperm antibodies Sperm can tremor, activity was reduced. Antibodies sometimes drop into the uterine cavity kill sperm. Because of these factors caused infertility, medical called immune infertility.

5, men will uremic irritation occurs

Women's menstrual discharge secretions, during sexual intercourse, these menstrual secretions into the male urethra, causing male urethra irritation. Female menstrual blood discharged in soiled linen during intercourse will quilt, this is probably not a good thing.

These are five reasons to introduce the menstrual period can not be the same room, women in the menstrual period should pay attention to hygiene, avoid intercourse sexual intercourse with her husband, the husband should love his wife

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